
SWR/WDR, 2024, 45 minutes


BR, 2023, 45 minutes

3sat, 2023, 2x37 minutes


BR, 2023, 6 x 45 minutes

  • Henrike Sandner

MDR, Radio Bremen, WDR, 2023, 45 minutes


BR, 2023, 45 minutes

SWR, 2023, 45 minutes

ZDF, 2023, 30 minutes

The Goldbeaters


BR, 2022, 45 minutes

The American Fuehrer

NDR, BR & FFF, 2022, 45 minutes

Missed Chances?

History of German Environmental Policy

BR/WDR, 2022, 45 minutes


BR, 2022, 4x20 minutes

SWR Concerns: Forever Slim – How to Defeat the Yoyo Effect

SWR, 2022, 45 minutes

SWR, 2022, 45 minutes


WDR/ARTE, 2022, 2 x 45 minutes

Summer in the Styrian Enns Valley

BR, 2021, 45 minutes

A Pioneer in the Fichtel Mountains


BR/ARTE, 2021, 45 minutes

65 Years BRAVO

Love, Stars and Doktor Sommer

ZDFinfo, 2021, 45 minutes

Traditional Costumes

Heimat in Velvet and Silk

SWR, 2021, 45 minutes

Psyche in need

The long wait for therapy


ZDFzoom, 2021, 30 minutes

The Schlager Story

Loved, Hated, Underestimated

ZDFinfo, 2021, 45 minutes

SWR Concerns: The Business of Sustainability

Who Profits from Our Guilty Conscience

SWR, 2021, 45 minutes

Bavaria's Seven Summits

BR, 2021, 5x45 minutes

The Dark Side of the Schnitzel

ZDFzoom, 2020, 30 minutes

Our Meat, Our Milk

What Good Are Food Labels?

SWR, 2020, 45 minutes

The Brenner Pass

Free Ride to The South


ZDFreportage, 2020, 30 minutes

Good Turkeys?

Behind the Scenes of the Poultry Industry

ZDFzoom, 2020, 30 minutes

At Home in...

Season 5

BR, 2020, 2 x 45 minutes

World Class from Münsterland

Horse Town Warendorf


WDR, 2020, 45 minutes


Between Freedom and Home


SWR, 2020, 45 minutes

SWR Concerns: Diet

Losing Weight and Staying Slim – Is That Possible?

SWR, 2020, 45 minutes

SWR Concerns: Instant Soup & Co.

What is Really Inside Convenience Foods?

SWR, 2019, 45 minutes

Dangerous Care

SWR, 2019, 45 minutes

Bomb War

Nuremberg's Downfall

BR, 2019, 45 minutes

What You Always Wanted to Know About Women ...


BR, NDR, SWR, RBB, 2019, 90 minutes

Hunting Alpine Treasure

A Young Root Digger in the Berchtesgaden National Park


BR, 2019, 45 minutes

The Soundtrack of Freedom

ZDF, 2019, 45 minutes

Wolfgang Herrmann – A Life Devoted to Science


BR, 2019, 45 minutes

In Love, Engaged, Beaten Up

Violence Against Women


ARD, 2019, 45 minutes

Where Dreams Come True

100 Years of Bavaria Film

BR, 2018, 45 minutes

From Ashes

Libya’s Difficult Reset


BR / ARTE, 2018, 52 & 45 minutes

Charts Champions

Behind the Scenes of the Music Industry

ZDF, 2018, 45 minutes

Journey to the Copts

  • Sabine Scharnagl

BR, 2018, 45 minutes

SWR Concerns: Health Nutrition

What is Good Food?

SWRbetrifft, 2018, 45 minutes

The Water Rescuers


BR, 2018, 45 minutes

Shopping Local

A Good Idea or a Sham?

ZDFzoom, 2018, 30 minutes

At Home in... Bad Hindelang

Season 4

BR, 2018, 45 minutes

Bloody Butchery

Business With Death

ZDFzoom, 2018, 30 minutes

Wheat Madness

The Disastrous Consequences of Our Agricultural Policy

ZDFzoom, 2018, 30 minutes

The Minesweepers of Bengasi


BR / ARTE, 2018, 45 minutes

Internet Hysteria

BR / ARTE, 2017, 90 & 2 x 45 minutes

Myth or Master Plan

The True Story of the Marshall Plan

NDR / BR, 2017, 45 minutes

Life is a Pony Farm!

MDR, 2017, 3 x 25 minutes

Women in the Pension Trap

BR / NDR, 2017, 45 minutes

Export of Milk

ZDFzoom, 2017, 30 minutes

At Home in...

Season 3

BR, 2017, 3 x 45 minutes

Tree Climber


BR, 2017, 45 minutes

The Bohemian Forest


BR / NDR / FFF, 2017, 2 x 45, 2 x 30 minutes

This Isn’t the End

The Struggle to Save Our Villages


ZDF, 2017, 30 minutes

Three Generations in Germany: 20-40-60

Season 2

ZDF, 2017, 3 x 45 minutes

Greece, My Dear Greece

  • Sabine Scharnagl

BR, 2016, 45 minutes

The Big Business with the Human Cold

SWR, 2016, 45 minutes

Shop Or Classroom?

Why There Are Fewer and Fewer Apprentices


ZDFzoom, 2016, 30 minutes

On Foot and Without Money

A Year in Germany

ZDF 37 Grad, 2016, 45 minutes

Of Love and Death


BR / HFF / FFF, 2016, 85 minutes



WDR / SWR, 2015, 45 minutes

Cooking Stories

The Ox


BR, 2015, 45 minutes

Living With Autism


ZDF 37 Grad, 2015, 30 minutes

Cooking Business

Schuhbeck & Colleagues

WDR, 2015, 45 minutes

Brave New Nutrition: The Fear of Wheat, Milk & Co.

WDR, 2015, 45 minutes

G7 summit in Schloss Elmau


ARD / BR, 2015, 45 minutes

Campus Germany


BR / ARTE / FFF, 2014, 75 und 52 minutes

Police, Violence, and Videos

When Operations Get Out of Control


SWR / ARD Die Story, 2014, 45 minutes

Chicken Left-overs

The Business with Our Waste

ZDFzoom, 2014, 30 minutes

Sigi Sommer

A Flâneur in Munich


BR, 2014, 45 minutes

Herbs, Crucifixes, and Quacks

Medieval Medicine


MDR, 2014, 30 minutes

Unequal Enemies

How Towns Are Fighting for Their Power Grids


ZDFzoom, 2014, 30 minutes

Our Bavarian Costumes and Power

The Invention of Dirndl and Lederhosen

BR, 2014, 2 x 45 minutes

At Home in...

Season 2

BR, 2014, 3 x 45 minutes

Streets with a History


WDR, 2014, 2 x 45 minutes

German Dynasties

The House of Faber-Castell

ARD / BR, 2013, 45 minutes

The Mountain Pasture Sham

ZDFzoom, 2013, 30 minutes


Women Break Their Silence


ZDF 37 Grad, 2013, 30 minutes

When the Bavarians learnt to ski

BR, 2013, 2 x 45 minutes

At home in...

Season 1

BR, 2013, 3 x 45 minutes

Cooking Stories

The Onion


BR, 2013, 45 minutes

Home Is... on the Island

  • Johann Ahrends

NDR / nordmedia, 2012, 45 minutes

Home Is... Outdoor


NDR / nordmedia, 2012, 45 minutes

Three Generations in Germany: 20-40-60

ZDF, 2012, 3 x 45 minutes

Local Reporter in Bamberg


BR, 2012, 45 minutes

Remaining Risk

A Film about People under Hospital Treatment Order


BR, 2012, 90 minutes

The Girl from Dream Valley


BR, 2011, 45 minutes

Clothes make Germans

NDR, 2011, 2 x 45 minutes

Wide awake

When People Cannot Sleep

ZDF 37 Grad, 2011, 30 minutes

Home Is... On a Farm


NDR / nordmedia, 2011, 45 minutes

Home Is... With the Horses


NDR / nordmedia, 2011, 45 minutes

Crime Scene Rainforest


WDR / ARTE / FFF, 2011, 45 und 52 minutes

Nature against the Autobahn


BR, 2011, 45 minutes

Brown Babies


BR / ARTE / WDR, 2010, 45, 52 und 60 minutes

A Bavarian Boy


BR, 2010, 45 minutes